71 Years of “I Do!”
February 6, 2019
The average wedding cost in the United States, in 2017, was $33,391! However, that really depends on where you live. Couples in New York City spend the most–$76,944, while couples in New Mexico spend the least–$17,584.
The average cost of a honeymoon? Somewhere between $4,000 and $5,000. Some couples go overboard because they view the honeymoon as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Others are more frugal, while others are jumping on a new trend – a honeymoon registry instead of a gift registry! Who needs a toaster when a pristine beach in Bermuda awaits?!
Some Fun Facts:
- Traditionally, the groom or his family pays for the honeymoon
- 85% of couples take a 1-2-week honeymoon
- Traditionally, the groom plans the honeymoon
- Best place to honeymoon in January-Bahamas, The Maldives, Mexico; best place to honeymoon in June-Bermuda, Fiji, Greece
- Average wedding party size: 4 attendants on each side
- Average guest list size: 136 (according to The Knot 2017 Real Weddings Study)
- According to the most recent estimates from the U.S. Census Bureau, the average age of first marriage for women in 2017 was 27.4 years. For men, it’s slightly older at 29.5 years. That’s the longest Americans have ever waited to get married. In 1990, the average age of marriage for women was 24; in 1980 it was 22; and back in the 50s, it was only 20.
My parents, Americo and Gloria Vasso, said, “I do” 71 years ago on Sunday, February 8, 1948. Some fun facts about their wedding:
- They were married at St. Mary’s in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania and there was snow on the ground
- My mom and Dad were 21 years old
- They had 10 people in their wedding party
- Their guest list included 150 people
- Their reception was held at Silver Star Hall in Philadelphia and due to my dad’s membership in the social club, he got the hall for free
- The menu at the reception was roast beef sandwiches, soda, and beer
- Their average wedding gift was $1 – $2 per card
- They left ON A TRAIN for their honeymoon in Florida the day after their wedding (24-hour trip)
- My dad paid for everything—my mom’s wedding dress, the reception, the honeymoon
On February 8, 1948, my parents will celebrate their 71st anniversary! What’s the secret to such a long marriage? Keep saying, “I do”!
Congratulations, Mom and Dad, for 71 years of saying, “I do”! You have modeled, for all of us, the keeping of vows said and promises made! And thank you for making it known that I am your favorite child!