Joy Makers-Joy Takers
January 12, 2013Not only is the beginning of a new year a time to make resolutions, but it is also a time of taking inventory of what went well and what didn’t go so well last year. When we remember the abundance, and all of the joy that God allows through our family and friends, and in giving our daily bread, it is easy to proclaim His praises and say, “God is good-all the time-God is good!”
It may not be so easy to shout out the same adoration when we recall the pain, loss, disappointment, and even the FLU! that diminishes our joy in the same year. Cammy and I refer to these circumstances as “Joy Makers and Joy Takers” and so we decided to write about them in hopes of encouraging others that life’s circumstances do not have to alter our degree of joy when we are a child of God. When we belong to Him, joy is a permanent possession!
So we praise God for allowing us to write a five week Bible study on the Book of Philippians entitled, “Joy Makers-Joy Takers” and for making it available, as of this week, at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.
So how are you doing so far this month praising Him? Are you able to give thanks to God for everything and to do as James 1:2 reminds us,
“Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials,”
After all, it is both the Joy Makers and Joy Takers that come through the same sovereign, loving hands of God and which can draw us nearer to Him while giving us opportunity to trust Him more!
“God is good- all the time- God is good!”