“All I Want for Christmas”
December 18, 2020What are the most asked for gifts this holiday season? According to Oprah’s Favorite Things list, USA Today, an analysis of social media conversations posted on Facebook, Instagram, and other popular forum communities, the most popular gifts of 2020 include:
Phone Soap
Moon Lamp
Back and Neck Massager
Elf: Snowball Showdown Card Game
Portable Reusable Drinking Straw
Always Pan
Disney + Subscription
Roku Streaming Stick +
Ninja Fitness Blender
Nintendo Switch/PlayStation 5
However, the verdict is still out on the most popular Christmas ornament this year. Many people do not want this ornament because most say they do not want to commemorate 2020!
Interestingly, 100 years ago The Saturday Evening Post, listed the most popular gifts of 1920:
Prince Albert Pipe Tobacco
A Rex Top for a Touring Car (a car without a fixed roof)
Hoover Vacuum Cleaner
Electric Clothes Washer
Collar Buttons for Men
Iver Johnson Bicycles
Interwoven Santa Claus Socks
Health Builder Shaking Machine (the electric belt that shakes your body into shape)
What a stark shift in “All I want for Christmas” desires! Either way, I would imagine that if you were/are the giver of the gifts on the most wanted lists 1920/2020, you would be rated as the best gift giver that year! However, you would never be rated as the greatest gift giver of ALL time — God! He gave a gift that was described as unspeakable, inexpressible, and indescribable:
Thanks be to God for His unspeakable gift! 2 Corinthians 9:15 (KJV)
Thanks be to God for His inexpressible gift! 2 Corinthians 9:15 (ESV)
Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift! 2 Corinthians 9:15 (NASB)
What is the gift God gives that fills us with such gratitude? Some theologians say salvation; some theologians say Jesus Christ; some say both because salvation is given to us in Jesus Christ!
According to Paul, the gift is impossible to adequately describe. It is beyond full description—it is unspeakable, inexpressible, and indescribable! Even though it did not make the most wanted holiday gift list in any given year, it is the most needed gift any time of any given year!