A Time to Speak
September 16, 2010“A time to be silent and a time to speak” – Ecclesiastes 3: 7
In our previous blog we explored that there is a time to keep silent in a season of relating to others. But now, we see that Solomon is demonstrating that he understands women, in particular, when he acknowledges that there is “a time to speak” (not that women ever need permission to speak). However, there is some wisdom in knowing when to break the silence and speak and one season of speaking is when we are relating to God on behalf of others.
Proverbs 31: 8-9 reads, “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up for the rights of the poor and needy.”
These verses remind me of Esther, who went before the King, “for such a time as this” to risk her very life to speak up for the rights of the very needy Jewish people (The Book of Esther).
A few Septembers ago, my father, with a pacemaker implant, experienced a confusing medical emergency which baffled the doctors. The doctor kept staring at the heart monitors, shaking his head, and repeating the words, “Hmmmm….don’t know what this is.” I had some idea of what might be wrong only because I had become thoroughly “educated” on my father’s health, so I called a medical professional friend of mine to ask her opinion and to check my thinking. She quickly provided some medical jargon and suggested a conversation I should have immediately with my dad’s doctor. Well, what do you do when you think you might have an answer to a medical dilemma that the medical professional doesn’t have? Do you keep silent or speak? I chose to speak up, even though I feared upsetting the doctor, because my father was in a medical emergency and in great need.
A small scale, modern-day version of Esther. No, I didn’t go before the King, but I went before the Doctor. I didn’t speak on behalf of a nation, but I spoke on behalf of my dad, who means the world to me!
Sometimes, in a season of relating to God on behalf of others, the most joyful posture is to break the silence and speak.
Looking for more words? Why not read the Book of Esther and Proverbs 16: 21 and Proverbs 16: 24?