November 16, 2012
During the month of October, I tried to study a different Biblical virtue everyday and journal a few thoughts about what that virtue “looks like” in my life. Towards the end of the month, the verse for the day was Psalm 25:21 and I had two virtues to consider: “Honesty and Integrity”.
“May integrity and honesty protect me, for I put my hope in you.”
Depending on the Bible translation you use, it might say “preserve” instead of protect but the original meaning of the word is “to guard” so the…
November 2, 2012
Recently I watched an episode of a sitcom about a family in which the children asked the parents if they had a favorite child. The mom immediately assured her three children that they were all loved infinitely, while the dad clearly declared his oldest son as his favorite child.
The show reminded me of a similar scenario in my own life and one that is probably quite common in many families. Children tend to question, “Do Mom and Dad have a favorite child?”
I am the youngest child of three,…
October 27, 2012
You may not be aware of it, but out in cyberspace, October was designated as an “Ultimate Blog Challenge” month. The idea is simple and genius for bloggers: pick a topic and blog about it everyday for a month. The challenge is designed to increase productivity and traffic to your blog. The desired end result? Develop a new daily habit of blogging (writing), read other people’s blogs, be inspired and maybe even make a few friends along the way.
You may have noticed that we didn’t participate in that challenge….
October 19, 2012
It’s called “Hitting the Wall” and it is a well-known and much dreaded phenomenon among athletes – the professional elite and amateur runners – especially in long distance races. Hitting the wall typically happens around mile 18. A simple definition would be: when a runner runs out of energy.
One famous marathoner put it this way, “It felt like an elephant had jumped out of a tree onto my shoulders and was making me carry it…
October 12, 2012
What is the worst sound in the world? That question has received some attention lately and just last night on the evening news, the answer was revealed. In case you missed it, I will share with you but not before showing you some of the sound contenders:
creaky door
dentist drill
mobile phone ringtones
fingernails on a chalkboard
squeaky things
Topping the list of 34 horrible sounds, according to 1.1 million worldwide online voters, was vomiting! Scientists’ explanation is that we are programmed to be repulsed by horrible…
October 5, 2012
For several years, I have been fond of saying that I keep a “5K” in my back pocket. Now I certainly don’t mean I keep five thousand dollars there. My “5K” is a reference to running not money.
In 2008, my husband and I ran the New York City Marathon. Unless a miracle occurs, it was our first and last long race. Maybe it was more of a “bucket list” thing than we realized. But since then, I have continued to run. …