But you promised…
February 11, 2019
Who of us, at one time or another, has not experienced the pain of a promise broken only to remind the promise maker, who has become the promise breaker, “But you promised and we even pinky swore”? And who of us, at one time or another, has not played both roles-the one who made the promise and the one who broke the promise?
Promise Day, which typically falls on February 11th, is one of the days celebrated during Valentine’s Week. On this day, parents, friends, and especially couples, make promises to each other in order to celebrate their bond of love. The suggestion is to make promises which are easy to keep because, of course, breaking a promise can ruin a relationship.
Both Promise Day and Valentine’s Day, may be days which prompt thoughts of many aspects of love and of many promises of love …to always be there if you need a friend, to love you no matter what, and to love you forever. And when those vows fail to deliver, we may meet with, or make, cavalier comments such as, “Well, promises are like pie crusts. They are made to be broken.” Or, “I know I said I would do it, but…” or “I really wanted to do it and I thought at the time I could, but…” We often let each other down at great cost!
Like us, God makes promises. Unlike us, He keeps every one He makes. The Bible is full of promises God made to His people. Some of His promises issued warning of discipline or captivity (Amos 9:8; Jeremiah 30:11). In others, He promised restoration (Jeremiah 29:10). And whatever God said, happened.
At this time of the year, when love is on our minds because of Valentine’s Day, and when the number one promise most prefer to receive is, “I’ll love you forever!”, I am reminded of God’s promises to never leave us or forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6; Hebrews 13:5). I am reminded He will never forget us (Psalm 27:10). I’m reminded that He lavishes great love upon us (I John 1:3), and I look forward to His keeping of the promise to come back for His followers (John 14:3).
Many things are in constant flux around us. The weather clears and clouds, the Dow Jones spikes and plummets, our moods shift and shake, our promises make and break. But you promised…God, You promised to love us forever, not by pinky swearing, but through the nail scarred hands of your Son, Jesus Christ!
Hebrews 13:8 ESV
Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
James 1:17 ESV
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights with whom there is no variation or shadow due to change.
Malachi 3:6 ESV
“For I the Lord do not change; therefore you, O children of Jacob, are not consumed.
Isaiah 40:8 ESV
The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever.
Psalm 119:89 ESV
Forever, O Lord, your word is firmly fixed in the heavens.