“Go to the Ant!”
August 28, 2022
Many times in Scripture, we find references to nature—flowers, grass, weather, horses, and even ants! These illustrations help to illustrate a principle the Lord wants to teach, and such is the case in Proverbs 6. This chapter begins with three warnings against three kinds of foolish behavior. First comes a warning against putting up financial security for another person (v 1-5). Second comes a warning against laziness (v 11), and third comes a warning against one who is busy deceiving others (v 12). Each warning ends with the conclusion that the way of wisdom is better than the way of folly.
While all three warnings are worthy of discussion, it is the warning against laziness that makes reference to the natural world, specifically the industrious ant. And this reference caught my attention because this past Spring I had some first-hand experience with this tiny but mighty insect. I had an ant infestation unlike I had ever seen. I tried every humane tactic, short of calling an expensive exterminator, to rid my home of these diligent, plentiful, and annoying pests, and after a long wrestling match, I was finally the victor! However, during the time these ants took up residence in my home, I was mesmerized by their busy behavior, their tenacity, their strength, and their banding together.
My fascination with these uninvited house guests was heightened when, after my own observations, I read Proverbs 6:6-11, and found a science lesson and a nugget or two of wisdom.
6 Go to the ant, O sluggard;
consider her ways, and be wise.
7 Without having any chief,
officer, or ruler,
8 she prepares her bread in summer
and gathers her food in harvest.
In this Proverb, Solomon spoke wise words to the sluggard, the lazy man or woman, who needs to learn from the proverbial hard working ant. The book of Proverbs speaks a lot about the value of hard work, and for good reason. Often the difference between success and failure is hard work. No insect is more laborious, not even the bee, than the ant, and the ant is worthy of imitation because she works hard without having to be told to work hard. The ant’s work ethic comes from within and does not have to be imposed by a chief, officer, or ruler (v 7).
Not only does the ant work hard without being told, the ant also works hard when the work is to be done. In the summer and the harvest, the work gets done (v 8). These ways of the ant are the ways that the lazy person needs to consider.
Solomon asked the sluggard to give account for his ways,
9 How long will you lie there, O sluggard?
When will you arise from your sleep?
Solomon was not saying that we should never sleep, but he was saying that we should not excessively sleep. The love of sleep is the defining characteristic of the sluggard and there is work to be done. Otherwise, the lazy person will find that poverty and need will come upon him quickly and not because of misfortune but because of his own procrastination or avoidance of hard work.
10 A little sleep, a little slumber,
a little folding of the hands to rest,
11 and poverty will come upon you like a robber,
and want like an armed man.
The ants in my home did have periods of time where they “disappeared”. I was never sure where they went. Were they sleeping? If so, they didn’t oversleep because every day they were right back at their “work” on my floor or kitchen counter until I was finally able to “evict” them.
However during their stay, they reminded me of Solomon’s wise words in Proverbs 6:6-11. They reminded me of the value of a good work ethic and that the only place success comes before work is in the dictionary!