My Dear Dad
June 19, 2016My Dad! Two words that say so much about what an incredible man and father he is.
My first real memory of him was when I was two years old and my Mom, my brothers and I returned, by train, from visiting my grandmother in Florida. When the train came to a complete stop, I saw my Dad’s face outside the window I was sitting by, blowing welcome home kisses my way. How did he do that at just the right moment? I thought he was so magical!
My dad taught me how to ride a two wheeler when I was 5, how to drive a Volkswagen stick when I was 16, and how to golf when I was an older adult. How did he put up with me? I thought he was so patient!
My dad taught me not to worry about things that worrying couldn’t fix, like end of the world predictions that scared my 7 year old heart. When I ran crying to him, he told me not to worry because no one knew when the end of the world would be and that we would all be alive tomorrow. How could he be so calm? I thought he was so courageous!
My dad taught me that money didn’t grow on the pear tree in our back yard and to save my money for a rainy day and to work hard and take overtime opportunities while I was young and had the energy to do so. My dad was quick to remind me when the recession came a few years ago, “It’s raining, Sheryl!” How did he know? I thought he was so wise!
When my brothers and I lied, my dad taught us the story of “The Boy Who Cried Wolf” so that we would grow to be people of integrity and people who others would take seriously.
My dad taught us that family and friends mean everything, and that nobody in the world was like my Mother. Was he able to say those things because he lived that way? I thought he was so honorable!
My dad served in WWII as a navigator in the Army Air Corps. The war ended the day before he was supposed to take a crew across the Atlantic. He said, “Hitler heard I was coming so he surrendered!” My dad is so funny even when he’s doing serious work.
My dad served in local charities and even advised special needs teenagers to do community service such as sponsoring Bingo Night at a nursing home. How did he know how to do these things? I thought he was so generous with his time and talents!
Ironically, my dad is now in that same nursing home, rehabilitating a recent hip fracture. And as a patient he is looking out for the needs of the other patients. My dad is a kind advocate for others.
My Dad. As I’ve watched him these last two weeks bravely face surgery and begin physical therapy even though in pain, he’s still teaching and leading by example. He doesn’t miss an opportunity to improve himself or others ; )
My Dad. Magical, patient, courageous, wise, honorable, generous, funny, kind and perseverant!
Happy Father’s day, to my dad! What a guy!
Father’s day dinner at Attleboro