November 5, 2013
A dear friend of mine. Mimi Davis is a longtime heart friend, a devoted wife and mom, and a serious student of God’s Word. She’s also a LOT of fun!
Mimi maintains two blogs – one is a reflection of her creativity. It’s called “State of Hospitality” and the other is a brand new online Bible study. It’s entitled Sweeter than Honey Ministry. Today, I was Mimi’s guest blogger and I would love for you to follow me over to her sites so you can get to know my friend!
Please visit her at the following…
September 14, 2013
Just typing that word, I felt some hesitation. What if I blog on prayer and someone who is a “real” prayer warrior reads this post and sees I’m not doing it “right”?
If you google the word “prayer” you get 277,000,000 hits in 0.2 seconds. Currently, Amazon has 87, 833 books for sale on the subject of prayer.
What people say, think and believe about prayer runs the gamut from:
“Prayer is a holy occupation.” – Oswald Chambers (Sounds like a job!)
“Prayer can be frustrating, confusing, and fraught…
May 5, 2013
According to an article in the LA times, the fastest growing genre in literature right now is labeled “YA”, books geared specifically for young adult readers. As children who love to read enter junior high, they are confronted with a whole new physical world as well as a whole new world through the pages of books.
A word of caution here: these books truly run the gamut from innocent and fun to very heavy themes of alternative lifestyles, bullying, and even suicide. So how can you guide your junior high…
March 3, 2013
March 1st already?? How does that happen? We are already beginning our third month of 2013 and as we continue in our book of the month challenge, we have chosen Tim Keller’s King’s Cross. Since Easter is March 31st, we felt that this was a terrific choice to prepare our hearts to encounter the King of the cross!
When Tim Keller first released his book, John Piper said, “My oldest daughter compares Tim Keller to Pixar: when they both release new material, you just know it’s going to be great.”…
March 1, 2013
March 1st already?? How does that happen? We are already beginning our third month of 2013 and as we continue in our book of the month challenge, we have chosen Tim Keller’s King’s Cross. Since Easter is March 31st, we felt that this was a terrific choice to prepare our hearts to encounter the King of the cross!
When Tim Keller first released his book, John Piper said, “My oldest daughter compares Tim Keller to Pixar: when they both release new material, you just know it’s going to be great.”…
February 22, 2013
In keeping with a new theme and book each month in 2013, our selection for February is “Love Walked among Us” by Paul Miller. Please join us weekly as we blog about how we are learning to love like Jesus.
If you’d like to purchase a copy of Paul Miller’s book please click on the following links:
December 28, 2012

We couldn’t think of a better way to start 2013 than with daily praise. So the book for January is ” 31 Days of Praise” by Ruth and Warren Meyers. Every day for just one month, a Scripture-based devotion cultivates the “heart habit” of praise and worship. Even in the midst of pain, disappointment, and heartache, we can be gently inspired to appreciate and adore the Lord in all things!
Each week we will blog something about praise and invite you to share some of your praises…
December 1, 2012

During this Advent season we would like to recommend a FREE book called, Good News of Great Joy. The ministry team at Desiring God did a “deep dive” into a reservoir of sermons and articles and compiled some of them into this Advent devotional that can be downloaded to e-readers, iPads, and other formats. Whatever you choose, this is a fantastic resource and you can’t beat the price!
Here’s the link:
“Christmas is an indictment before it becomes a delight.”
-Piper, John. “Good…
I thank you for the interesting topic.
Powerful words. I wish more people would stop and think about this. God bless!