Silence before God
September 21, 2010In a previous blog, we explored the theme “A time to keep Silent” while relating to others. Just as there are seasons of silence with others, there are also seasons of life that may require that we keep silent while relating to God.
Ecclesiastes 5: 1-2 reads, “Guard your steps when you go to the house of God. Go near to listen….Do not be quick with your mouth, do not be hasty in your heart to utter anything before God. God is in heaven and you are on earth, so let your words be few.”
Often in my personal time with God, I use many words —I implore, plead, ask, request, and yes, even suggest specifically how God should answer my prayers. However, several months ago, I asked God to help me just listen. My desire was to allow Him to teach me something new about Himself so I could know Him more personally. I wanted to “be still and know He is God” – Psalm 46:10. It is interesting to note that the order is to first be still (cease striving) and then we will know Him. Yet it is much easier to be quick to speak, and to be rash with our tongues than it is to be quick to listen or to be still.
In my attempt to be silent before God, I had to learn how to not be “hasty in (my) heart to utter anything before God”. That meant not allowing my tongue to outrun my thoughts in devotion to God. It meant not being in a frenzy to make prayers, protests, or promises to Him, but to realize my thoughts are words to God, and they come from my heart. The best heart I can have before God is one that is composed, calm, still, and open to hearing and learning more about Him.
Psalm 131 is a beautiful visual of a composed soul resting upon God.
“Oh Lord, my heart is not proud, nor my eyes haughty; Nor do I involve myself in great matters, or in things to difficult for me. Surely I have composed and quieted my soul; Like a weaned child rests against his mother, My soul is like a weaned child within me.” Psalm 131:1-2
A heart that’s not proud doesn’t seek its own way and eyes that are not haughty don’t see what others have and compare or complain. Imagine this child resting against his mother – in complete repose his little body is molded to hers. His frame takes on the shape of hers. It is a picture of submission and contentment.
Sometimes, when in a season of relating to God and others, the most joyful posture is to remain silent and experience the joy of knowing our God and others better.
Looking for more words? Read Psalm 46. Notice the chaos of the world and the unshakeable presence of God. From this passage make a list of the attributes of God’s power over the earth.