My Dad’s name is Americo Vincenzo Vasso, and today is his 97th birthday! His mother called him Americo, his employees called him Vince, and most friends and relatives call him Mertz (a childhood nickname), but he’s Dad to me. He has many names, but he has many more years of life—97 as of today!
When I wished him a happy birthday today, he said, “Wow! That’s a big number!” Yes, it is a big number for quite a big man,…
Five years ago today, on Sunday, May 24, 2015, my Dad celebrated his 90th birthday! Now today, Sunday, May 24, 2020, my Dad is celebrating his 95th birthday. I have never personally known a 95 year-old, or been related to one! Today I can say I both know and am related to one!
I met him when he was just 31 years old and he punched the doctor who delivered me because he was so happy to have a daughter. But…
My Dad is celebrating his 90th birthday today, Sunday, May 24, 2015.
I met him when he was just 31 years old and he punched the doctor who delivered me because he was so happy to have a daughter. But my first real memory of him was when he was 33 years old and I was 2 years old. He was waiting at the train station in Pennsylvania for my Mom, my brothers and me to return from visiting my grandmother in Florida. When the train came to a…
Today is my favorite and only Dad’s 89th birthday and many things can be celebrated about his 32,507.5 days of life (yes, I remembered to figure in leap year days)! Of course I haven’t known him all of his life, but I have known him all of my life. Profound, right?
From what I know, I can speak like an expert about the man he is and how he always knew best what I most needed. He taught me both by example and direct instruction.
Today is my favorite and only Dad’s 89th birthday and many things can be celebrated about his 32,507.5 days of life (yes, I remembered to figure in leap year days)! Of course I haven’t known him all of his life, but I have known him all of my life. Profound, right?
From what I know, I can speak like an expert about the man he is and how he always knew best what I most needed. He taught me both my example and direct instruction.
The text came to me but the desired parent at the moment was my husband.
“Is Dad busy?”
“Hang on, let me get him for you.”
We often laugh at the “division of labor” that has evolved with our almost 21 year old son. I get the calls and texts that are relationship driven. Bill oversees the scientific and technology department. The two guys can talk for hours about the next computer upgrade or apps they share on their iPhones. And since William changed his major to Pharmacy, thus following in his father’s…