May 24, 2015
My Dad is celebrating his 90th birthday today, Sunday, May 24, 2015.
I met him when he was just 31 years old and he punched the doctor who delivered me because he was so happy to have a daughter. But my first real memory of him was when he was 33 years old and I was 2 years old. He was waiting at the train station in Pennsylvania for my Mom, my brothers and me to return from visiting my grandmother in Florida. When the train came to a…
February 27, 2014
Last week, we looked at the power of one word. With the word “Daughter”, Jesus restored status and hope to one who had been cast aside and was hopeless. Today, we will try and grasp the power and magnitude of two words. These two words are simple and yet, we find what they command us to do almost impossible.
When we left the scene in Luke 8, the woman who grasped the robe of Jesus had been immediately healed. But the story started with a man – Jarius, who was an important…
February 21, 2014
We write a lot about words and their meanings. It seems fitting since this blog and ministry is entitled “Words of Worth”. Today and next week, I want to look at the power of a couple of words Jesus used during His ministry. The story takes place in the gospel of Luke – Chapter 8, verses 41-56.
First on the scene, an important synagogue official named Jarius. Perhaps his social and religious status allowed him to push through to Jesus; it would be immediately evident this man was important. Yet, his…