The last week of April is one of my favorite weeks of the year for at least two reasons—it is the week of Grandmom Margie’s, my maternal grandmother, birthday, who is in heaven, and it is the week tulips are in full bloom in my yard. I am not sure Grandmom Margie ever planted a tulip garden but she did plant this poem in my mind years ago—
“Tulips in the garden. Tulips in the park. No tulips are sweeter,…
What would you say the pyramid category is? If you said, “THINGS
THAT MAKE PEOPLE CRY”, you would be a winner!
I was recently thinking about my own tears and the times when
I am most likely to cry. I was thinking about this because as I spent some time
in various airports…
Well it’s 2017 and there is actually a “top way” or “best way” to express sentiments for a Happy New Year. Many websites have dedicated space to suggesting EVERY kind of message to EVERY category of people: loved ones, family and friends who are near and dear in heart, “professional peeps” and even acquaintances. Also, many cyberspace suggestions exist as to top ways to send 2017 romantic, professional, or friendly greetings via text messaging and all social media venues. Regardless of all the categories and formats of these…
“Attention media: For record keeping purposes, today’s official paid attendance is zero.” So recorded the announcer to the press room on April 29, 2015 when the Baltimore Orioles took on the Chicago White Sox in an empty ballpark. Due to the dangerous riots in Baltimore over the death of Freddie Gray while in police custody, it was deemed unsafe to allow fans into the Camden Yards stadium. Supposedly playing in a “fan-free stadium” is not uncommon in soccer, but it is entirely unprecedented in the history of America’s favorite…