November 12, 2016
This blog is the third in a series written by guest blogger, Susan Weber:

It’s November and time to start Christmas shopping. My first step is to ask my children and grandchildren what they want for Christmas. It isn’t a hard question for them and they certainly have long lists. However, when I’m asked that question, I have to think. At my age, there aren’t many things I need and that question is more difficult to answer.
Jesus asked a similar question in Matthew 20:29-34. Author, Mark Batterson,…
October 23, 2016

*I wasn’t raised with any knowledge of fasting. My first introduction to the idea was the Lenten season during my first year of college. In those days, Bloomsburg was 80% Catholic. I was raised in a Baptist church and had little knowledge of Catholicism. Ash Wednesday and the smudged foreheads was a shock to me. The idea that my friends were giving up various foods for 40 days was inconceivable. Really, give up food?
As I grew in my faith, I learned that fasting is indeed a Christian practice….
October 14, 2016
Thank you, Susan Weber, for guest blogging for me today! My plane had to circle several minutes the other day before landing in San Antonio and it felt like a necessary waste of time. However, there is no wasting time when we circle around the promises of God in prayer! Thank you for your insights!-Sheryl
More about Susan can be found at the end of the blog.
Last Christmas my husband surprised our children and me by giving each of us a book on prayer. I was surprised because he ordered the books without my knowledge and…