If we were to sum up Christmas in one word, it would be “Immanuel” (God with us). The prophet, Isaiah, was the first to introduce us to this glorious name, “Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign. Behold, the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and shall call His name Immanuel.” (Isaiah 7:14)
We know, without any doubt,that this prophecy concerns Jesus Christ, because in the opening chapter of the New Testament, Matthew1:20-23 makes this…
The year 2020 reminded me of how much I love a good preposition! For sure it was a very difficult year and probably no one needs to be reminded of that. The world experienced great difficulty from a global pandemic, to national protests, and toilet paper supply panic! As a result, many may have questioned, “Where was God?”
The answer to that question is found in Matthew 1:23, and it is a comforting answer for every year, not just 2020….
It is with great joy and humility that my friend, Sue Weber and I share this advent devotional with you! Special thanks to our mutual friend, Karen Kownurko, who wishes to remain anonymous, for drawing the illustrations for our devotional!
The pandemic of 2020 has changed many things in our lives, and we expect it will alter the way we celebrate Christmas in 2020. As we were writing this devotional, our nation moved…
“His Presence or Just More Presents?” by *Sherri Wolf
One of the favorite things my family likes to do each Christmas is cut down our own tree. I say it’s our favorite thing because in the end we love having a real tree that WE hand-picked and cut from the soil! But honestly, the event is often a source of stress.
This yearly routine involves stomping around in sometimes freezing weather (faithfully done the Friday after Thanksgiving). It also involves arguing over which tree is the best. Because we have…