September 7, 2015

What do American women with brown hair have in common with German roadside cherry (kirschen) stands?
One Sunday this past summer, while teaching in the Black Forest area of Germany, a friend and I took a Sunday drive. I was pretty certain we would pass a few roadside fruit stands where we could pick up a basket of in-season cherries. No one would be manning the stand, or hiding in the bushes to spy potential cherry thieves; it was completely on your honor that you placed a few Euros in the tin container. …
November 16, 2014
According to Webster’s dictionary, a key element of credibility is integrity. And according to informal surveys asking- “What makes someone credible?” – time and again the most frequent answer given is trustworthiness, honesty, and integrity.
Additionally, when most people are asked – “What is the first thing you notice when you meet somebody?”- remarkably the answers shared are: trustworthiness, credibility, authenticity, honesty and integrity. And if you’re interested in enhancing your own credibility, experts suggest you highlight your own experience and qualifications, because experience and qualifications have the power to inspire…
November 16, 2012
During the month of October, I tried to study a different Biblical virtue everyday and journal a few thoughts about what that virtue “looks like” in my life. Towards the end of the month, the verse for the day was Psalm 25:21 and I had two virtues to consider: “Honesty and Integrity”.
“May integrity and honesty protect me, for I put my hope in you.”
Depending on the Bible translation you use, it might say “preserve” instead of protect but the original meaning of the word is “to guard” so the…