June 13, 2014
I find myself staring a lot lately at this picture hanging on my office wall. It was a gift from a student who had visited Kenya where an African artist, with obviously a very African perspective, painted the batik. As you can see, Peter is trying to walk on the water toward Jesus, and not very well, but Jesus rescues him. As I stare at the picture I think two things: I’m thankful God put Peter in the Bible, and if someone ever sold apostle action figures, I…
March 8, 2013
For the past several weeks, our Wednesday morning Bible study has been immersed (and sometimes drowning!) in the book of Romans – specifically the 8th chapter. We’ve discussed condemnation, justification, sanctification and a bunch of other big ole heavy “church” words. But at the end of each lesson and truly, at the end or rather the beginning of every day the question remains: “Now what?” In other words, what does living a sanctified life look like?
Does it mean I instantly become holy? Do I suddenly have a halo and an unending…