October 23, 2016
*I wasn’t raised with any knowledge of fasting. My first introduction to the idea was the Lenten season during my first year of college. In those days, Bloomsburg was 80% Catholic. I was raised in a Baptist church and had little knowledge of Catholicism. Ash Wednesday and the smudged foreheads was a shock to me. The idea that my friends were giving up various foods for 40 days was inconceivable. Really, give up food?
As I grew in my faith, I learned that fasting is indeed a Christian practice….
March 16, 2014
I was reminded this week why I like shopping so much at Bed Bath & Beyond. It’s because of one of their most endearing consumer friendly services. At checkout, they provide notification of how many batteries your purchase requires. And not only do they do the battery alert thing well, they make the purchasing of said batteries very convenient. Visibly hanging next to the cash register, alongside Orbit and Trident gum packs as well as the latest People Magazine, are a variety of battery sizes and quantities for…
February 21, 2014
We write a lot about words and their meanings. It seems fitting since this blog and ministry is entitled “Words of Worth”. Today and next week, I want to look at the power of a couple of words Jesus used during His ministry. The story takes place in the gospel of Luke – Chapter 8, verses 41-56.
First on the scene, an important synagogue official named Jarius. Perhaps his social and religious status allowed him to push through to Jesus; it would be immediately evident this man was important. Yet, his…