Summer is still in full swing here in the Northeast and will continue until Labor Day. However, that is not the case for many students across the country who have already returned to the hallowed halls of school in July and August. And by the time students in Pennsylvania, for example, return to school in September, the July and August starters may experience the waning of the new school year excitement of the new school year excitement and motivation. As a result,…
The most asked question since Fall officially began a few days ago is, “Where has summer gone?” I don’t know how to answer that question any better than Dr. Seuss himself –
“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.”
While I can smile that summer happened, even if in a flash, summer happening raises another question for me— “Where has Words of Worth gone in the summer?”
It seems to have gone many places both inside and outside the borders of the USA.
Within the USA: Arizona, Colorado, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia
Welcome to shedding season! Yes, that time of year when many shed clothing in order to tolerate the summer heat, and shed pounds in order to look good in lesser clothing. To shed well, all we need to do is consume fewer calories than we burn, which boils down to portion control.
And portion control is made easy by doing about 16 things like: drink 16 ounces of water before you eat, add veggies to your meal, eat off of plates that provide a contrast in color to the food you…