Can you imagine being in the classroom of the Master Teacher, Jesus Christ, day in and day out? If so, can you imagine what you would ask Him to teach you? It fascinates me that the disciples had seen Jesus perform chemistry lessons (turning H2O into wine), physical education lessons (walking on water), math lessons (multiplying the loaves and fishes), and grammar lessons (“It is I” not “It’s me”). Yet, instead of asking Him how to do those things, they asked Him, “Lord, teach us to pray…” (Luke 11:1)….
Today marks the end of week one of “Back 2 School” Facebook posts of the first day of school photos-including teacher selfies on the first day-have now morphed into comments about long homework assignments and all that students have learned already this week. Hopefully, students everywhere are learning their lessons well and avoiding a major hindrance to learning-an unteachable spirit!
One of the many indications that we are unteachable is an argumentative or defensive nature. How we receive correction and instruction reveals how teachable we are. I can remember being…