The Greatest Mom
May 10, 2014Have you ever wondered what makes a mom truly great? As a child of your mother, have you ever taken credit for her greatness?
What really makes a mom great? Who they are? Who their kids are? Perhaps a combination of both? Something else?
According to wikiHow, there are at least 9 qualities that make a mom someone who hangs the moon:
- Be supportive
- Be patient
- Be interested
- Be humble
- Be generous
- Be loving
- Be respectful
- Be affectionate
- Be approachable
In the gospel of Luke, chapter 11, we meet a woman who most likely would have added quality #10 and one that had everything to do with the child:
10. Be the mother of Jesus
The woman in Luke spent the better part of a day listening to Jesus masterfully teach about prayer, demonic possession, and signs. She was duly impressed with His knowledge and eloquence of speaking that she could not contain herself – she raised her voice in the crowd and said:
“Blessed is the womb that bore You and the breasts at which You nursed.”(Luke 11:27)
According to this woman, Jesus’ mother was very blessed to have given birth to One such as He.
However, Jesus downplayed her sentiment by suggesting that being His mother was not the greatest privilege in the world. Rather, being a person who hears the Word, believes the Word, and keeps the Word is so much better than being His mom:
“But He said, ‘On the contrary, blessed are those who hear the word of God and observe it.‘” (Luke 11:28)
What makes a mom great? Her endearing qualities do for sure. And yes, her children who think they are perfect, charming and witty for sure! But mostly, what makes a mom, or anybody for that matter, great is their responsiveness to the Word of God-hearing the Word, believing it, and keeping it!
Happy Mother’s Day to all moms-whether physical, spiritual, or “ like a mom” to someone!
And Happy Mother’s Day to my dear MOM, who is truly blessed with endearing qualities and a daughter like me-you knew that was coming-and who everyday reflects Jesus to all who know her! You’re the best, Mom!
Click here if you want to watch a short video of moms who question their greatness but whose children have no doubt their moms are WOW!