Truth According to Snapple
July 16, 2011
Most of you probably know about Snapple’s “Real Facts”. On the bottom of each bottle cap, is printed a “Real Fact”. Each “Real Fact” is a one-liner piece of information about a random topic.
For example:
*A goldfish’s attention span is 3 seconds
*Camel’s milk does not curdle
*Fish cough
*A human brain weighs 3 pounds
*Americans eat, on average, 18 acres of pizza a day.
*11% of people in the world are left handed
I’m not completely sure what made me think of Snapple facts other than that I have been teaching in Germany for the last two weeks and my students, who are teachers from various parts of the world, had to sit under my teaching for 80 hours. During that time, I noticed quite a few of them were left handed, had terrific brains, ate a lot of pizza for lunch and dinner, had colds and coughed a lot, hopefully had attention spans longer than 3 seconds, and many brought snacks from their home country including camel’s milk!
Then it came to my attention that many of the Snapple “Real Facts” may not be all that real and true. As a matter of fact, many facts have been retired from bottle capping. That was a little disappointing to me as most of the fun of drinking Snapple was peeking under the bottle cap to learn a truth.
But how wonderful to know that the Bible facts and principles are real and true and never will have to be retired! Never do I have to peek into the pages of Scripture and ever fear that someday down the road I will learn that the real facts were not so real. John 1:14 reads, “And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth.”
Well I have to run now…need to catch a plane home to the United States. But before I go, I am going to grab a cup of coffee, no bottle cap twisting necessary, and spend some time this morning as a student of the Word being diligent to “…present yourself to God as a workman who does not need to be ashamed, accurately handling the word of Truth.” (2 Timothy 2:15)
Auf Weidersen! (SV)