Uncanny “Look-Alikes”
February 7, 2014Have you ever thought of yourself as unique in the entire world? Maybe you have even gone as far as thinking that once God made you, He threw away the mold. Well, there is an age old belief that everyone has a twin out there, someone who may not exactly resemble us, but may be close enough to be our double. Different cultures even have a word for the “look-alike” phenomenon. In German, the word is “doppelganger”, a term also used in the English language. The French use the word “sosie” or double.
This “look-alike” fascination captured the attention of Francois Brunelle, a Montreal based photographer. Motivated by seeing look-alikes all over the place, as well as being told he looked like the British actor Mr. Bean, Brunelle began compiling photos of people whose resemblance to each other is striking. His photographs are worth a look and you can decide for yourself if he is on to something:
Another interesting theory is that people who live together for many years begin to look alike. Many experiments have been done by taking photographs of newlywed couples and then photographing them again 25 years later. And there are many explanations for this which are not necessarily based on DNA. For instance, it is suggested that older couples looked more alike because people in close contact mimic each other’s facial expressions. If your partner has a good sense of humor and laughs a lot, he or she will probably develop laugh lines around their mouth — and so will you. Perhaps my parents can support this claim. On February 8, 2014, they will celebrate their 66th wedding anniversary! What do you think? Have they grown to look alike?
Whether we have a “look-alike” somewhere in the world or not, or whether we have lived with someone long enough to begin to look like them, there is one resemblance that is not uncanny or coincidental. It is the resemblance of Jesus Christ to His Father, God.
“And He (Jesus) is the radiance of His (God’s) glory and the exact representation of His (God’s) nature…”
Hebrews 1:3
So, too, there is One who we should clearly “look-like” and that is our Heavenly Father. We should live among, and love others in such a way that our life and character mimics that of God, our Father. The longer we walk with Him and see His love lines, the more the face of our hearts should grow those love lines too!
P.S. Happy 66th Anniversary, Mom and Dad! Thank you for the Biblical covenant love “look-alike” you have modeled for our family and friends! We love you very much!