Dr. Sheryl Vasso’s work has enabled her to travel the world, yet she always returns home to beautiful bucolic Bucks County, Pennsylvania where she has lived her entire life. She is fiercely devoted to her wonderful parents and has a great relationship with her two brothers albeit at times antagonistic. Sheryl and her brothers have a running gag as to whom is the favored child and Sheryl has gone to great lengths to prove to them that she is clearly the favorite! Do not enter a practical jokes contest
with her as you will surely lose.
Sheryl’s father is what one might refer to as a “self-made”
man and both he and his wife instilled in their children that
education is an endeavor to be highly valued. This was a no-brainer for Sheryl as she always loved school-so much so that the minute the school year ended she would set up shop and play school all summer long. So it was a surprise to no one that she became an educator.
Sheryl graduated from St. Joseph’s University with a BS degree followed by an MAT from the College of New Jersey and earned her Doctorate of Education (Ed.D) at Immaculata University.
From a young age Sheryl felt that God had a special purpose for her life. Due to her close association with Catholicism she actively pursued entering the convent. Short of fulfilling the requirements to become a nun, God called her into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Soon after she felt another clear call on her life—the role of a Christian educator. Sheryl has taught at every level from elementary to post graduate studies.
One day “out of the blue”, although Sheryl knows it was no coincidence, she received a phone call from someone at Cairn University located in Langhorne, PA offering her a position. She tried her best to decline but soon came to the realization that this was clearly God’s call and she has enjoyed several positions there for the past 32 years. She began her career at Cairn, first as Director of Student Life followed by Dean of Students to the title she now carries, Chair of the Master of Science and Education Program in Langhorne, PA. At various times, the program was also located in Germany, Thailand, Brazil, and Hong Kong. Now it is offered totally online. Whenever Sheryl is asked what her title means she states simply, “I teach teachers.”
Sheryl has also had the distinct pleasure of studying under Florence Littauer through Christian Leader Author and Speaker Services (CLASS) and also has become a certified Precepts Instructor through Precepts Ministries International. In addition to her ministry in higher education, Sheryl enjoys keynoting, motivational and conference speaking both nationally and internationally, serving on various boards of directors, including the Association of Biblical Higher Education, and Sussex Christian School in New Brunswick, Canada. To maintain close ties in her home church, Grace Point of Newtown, PA she enjoys her life group and teaching a women’s Bible study every Wednesday morning.
In the past, Sheryl would spend some of her free time playing golf with her Dad, but in recent years, her free time has been full with the privilege of caring for her nonagenarian parents. However, on August 6, 2022, Sheryl’s Dad, Americo Vincent Vasso, stepped on heaven’s shore and was finally home! While she continues to care for her 95 year old Mom, who lost her sweetheart of 74 years, they look forward to the day that they will see him again.
If you ever have the pleasure of meeting Dr. Sheryl Vasso you will immediately be aware that she clings to and lives out her life verse found in John 3:30, “He must increase and I must decrease.” She accomplishes this with her humility, approachability, and God given sense of encouragement, not to mention her witty self deprecating humor. All these traits combine to make her a genuine ambassador for Jesus as she works diligently to increase His Kingdom.