September 21, 2012
Every Wednesday Sheryl and I teach a Bible study, so for the next few weeks we will be leading our group through the books of Ezra and Haggai. Yes, Ezra and Haggai – two Old Testament prophets that rarely make anyone’s Top Ten reading list. In fact, most people avoid certain parts of the Bible like the plague. (That’s some Old Testament humor… plagues, get it?) But skipping the lessons that are found in these valuable history books is like only reading the end of a…
September 14, 2012
India on any given day.
Bruce Almighty’s mind when, endowed with some of the powers of God, he began to hear a backlog of unanwered prayers people had prayed.
India boasts one seventh of the world’s population. That’s crowded.
Bruce Almighty organized billions of prayers into file cabinets that filled his apartment. That’s crowded.
Cammy and I have mentioned in previous blogs how quick the Christians in India are to pray and trust in God and how that example now inspires us to say, “Pray like an Indian!” Every afternoon in…
September 7, 2012
Not too long ago, I heard the most handsome man in the world (my husband) ask the second most handsome man in the world (my son) a question. Note: I had originally described my two “boys” as geeky science nerds but then I had to actually fact check the question with them and thus, the descriptions had to be changed. Anyway, the question posed was this one:
“Son, what do you think is the most important scientific discovery ever made in the field of health?
Inwardly, I started guessing. Inwardly and…
August 31, 2012
One of the gifts Cammy and I received while we were in India was a wooden elephant that had a fully formed baby elephant inside. It is a fascinating carving in that it is cut from one piece of wood—the baby elephant wasn’t gorilla glued into the belly of the adult, but rather it was a continuous part of the carving. It is also seemed to be a popular carving in India that we began to see at most craft stores, but its symbolism escaped us.
Perhaps when…
August 25, 2012
I’m pretty sure I drove my mother crazy as a child asking questions. (Mom, would you care to comment here?) I’m actually certain of this fact because many times when my own children were busy driving me to distraction with their “Why’s??” my mom would smile and say that I was “paying for my raising”! To be honest, I’m still guilty of asking questions; I’m naturally curious although I thought I had outgrown the tendency to ask too many questions. Then I went to India.
Oh my! The questions that…
August 17, 2012
On August 2, Cammy mentioned that we were going to a faraway land and that we would return in a couple of weeks to share all about it. Well indeed we were very far from home as we were invited to India to teach at a conference attended by 1,000 Indian pastors, women, seminary students, and faculty. We returned home on Monday (although Cammy has traveled south in order to pick up her daughter who was being cared for by friends in Cammy’s absence) and would like to…
August 2, 2012
Today’s blog will be part reflection, part confession, part prayer request and quite frankly will be a peek into a very personal part of my (Cammy’s) world. See, I’ve been journaling my thoughts and prayers for years. Never did I think anyone would read what I was writing. I certainly didn’t imagine books would bear my name or a weekly blog would exist where I try to encourage people I don’t even know! Once these blogs are posted, they become sort of a “public record” of my spiritual progress….
July 27, 2012

It is no secret to those of you who know me, that I take great pride in being Italian. Perhaps, some of you even think, “Yeah, way too much pride!” Fear not, however, because there are many things about being Italian that humble me because as much as I like being Italian, I’m not a terribly gifted one when it comes to speaking the language. Almost two years ago now, my cousin and I took Italian lessons where we spent the better part of the course learning to say…
July 21, 2012
An interesting thing happened on the way to the gym one day….I actually went inside! I used to joke that exercising was a priority in my life and on my calendar because I faithfully drove by the gym three times a week. However, once I went inside about six weeks ago, I stopped the drive-by and began a faithful regiment of working out five to six times a week. And yes, before you ask, as everyone is prone to do, it does feel good and for many reasons.
Working out…
July 13, 2012

When I was a little girl (Sheryl) I played school with my neighborhood friends almost every day of summer vacation. That’s how much I liked school! It is no surprise after all those years of back patio summer school sessions that I became a teacher.
When Cammy was a little girl, and she would never tell you this, but I will, she was a star student in her school, and while she may not have played school every day during summer vacation, she had a deep thirst for learning.
As adults,…